Select the correct answer:

1. Why vegetables and fruits turn brown on cutting?

2. Among the following which one is not a biofertilizer?

3. Consider the statements:
(a) Sterility is caused by the deficiency of Vitamin K.
(b) Night blindness is caused by the deficiency of Vitamin D.

4. The valve which regulates the blood flow froin right ventricle the pulmonary artery

5. Match List I and List II:
List I List II
(a) Glycolysis 1. O2 is not utilised
(b) Kreb's cycle 2. ATP are produced
(c) Electron transport chain 3. Oxidation of pyruvic acid
(d) Fermentation 4. Occurs in cytoplasm
(a) (b) (c) (d)

6. Who among the Indian - born American scientist bagged the prestigious award Lemelson-MIT prize worth 5,00,000 dollars?

7. Who won the GD Birla Award for Scientific Research for the year 2016?

8. Who is the Chief Information Commissioner of India in September 2016?

9. 'Operation calm down' is associated with which state?

10. Name the Battery that shuts down on over heating and restarts when the temperature becomes cool